All six surviving episodes featuring Peter Cushing as Holmes-"A Study in Scarlet," "The Boscombe Valley Mystery," the two-part "The Hound of the Baskervilles," "The Sign of Four," and "The Blue Carbuncle"-are collected in a two-disc set. 5 hrs. Total. Standard; Soundtrack: English; audio commentary; audio interview; more.
All six surviving episodes featuring Peter Cushing as Holmes-"A Study in Scarlet," "The Boscombe Valley Mystery," the two-part "The Hound of the Baskervilles," "The Sign of Four," and "The Blue Carbuncle"-are collected in a two-disc set. 5 hrs. Total. Standard; Soundtrack: English; audio commentary; audio interview; more.
All six surviving episodes featuring Peter Cushing as Holmes-"A Study in Scarlet," "The Boscombe Valley Mystery," the two-part "The Hound of the Baskervilles," "The Sign of Four," and "The Blue Carbuncle"-are collected in a two-disc set. 5 hrs. Total. Standard; Soundtrack: English; audio commentary; audio interview; more.